Your preschooler is like a sponge, picking up new information and data at an incredible rate, as their brain expands and as they grow faster than you could ever imagine. As a parent, you need to ensure that this process of learning is structured to an extent, so that your child develops as effectively as possible. This is why it is important to choose child care that clearly understands the need for creative expression and proactively encourages attendees to think laterally, through special types of activity.
When you have to say goodbye to your child and pack them off to the daycare centre, you might start to worry about all kinds of things. One thing which may play on your mind is that your child will stay cool. Australian summers can be extremely hot, which means that your child may be at risk of overheating or sunstroke. While the staff at a daycare centre should be trained in how to keep children cool on a summer's day, there are things you can do as a parent which will help them out.
Most parents don't like the idea of leaving their child in the care of another person or any type of agency, but it can actually be good for the child to socialize with people and children outside the family. Preschool care can also help ease them into the regular routine and expectations of school. When you're ready to choose care arrangements for your child, note a few simple but important tips that will help ensure you make the right choice for him or her.
From the moment children are born, they absorb stimuli from their environment. Even babies can have meaningful early learning experiences. If you are looking to ensure that your baby is getting exposed to stimulating experiences, then here are some activities that can help.
Talk or sing to your baby
From a young age, babies can hear voices, and they start to learn the natural rhythms and tones of their native language.
Preschool is a big step in the life of a young child -- for many children, it will be the most time they've ever spent with large groups of other children and away from their parents. If you're a little nervous about your child's first day at preschool, don't worry: you're not alone. To help boost your peace of mind, try some of these pre-preschool activities.
Orientation visits
Many preschools offer a chance to visit before the start of term.